On 7/4/22 10:41, Michael wrote:


afaik systemd timer lack the possibility to send the output (if any) by
email to a designated user, but instead logs the output to its journal.

so, if you want/need that functionality, either use a wrapper script, or
define a service with an 'ExecStart=' directive looking something like:

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '/path/to/script/or/executable |& mail -E -r
"<from-addr>" -s "<subject>" <user>'

(the -E flag is for /usr/bin/bsd-mailx)


yes, you are right. If receiving by mail is a requirement - this works in
cron out of the box.

On the other hand the OP did not mentioned mail as a requirement, and in my
own case I was not even thinking about receiving the output of the
scheduler by mail. For years I was working with cron (/etc/cron.d/*) and
crontab and the usage of mail was exclusively a kind-of convenient mean to
get instance feedback during the development phase. When the cron entry
worked the first line in every cron file under /etc/cron.d/ was MAILTO="".
Needed production logs were by some mean put to files by redirection or the
cron job called "normal" binaries or scripts that again had some kind of

Using systemd scheduler instant check during development is for my needs
sufficiently covered by 'systemctl status' or journalctl.

Best Regards,


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