
i wrote:
> > No
> >   cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/BDbackup
> > between remove and burn ?

B.M. wrote:
> To be honest, I cannot say for sure, so maybe yes. But: what would be the
> implication?  The fs inside is already unmounted, is cryptsetup luksClose
> modifying anything within the image?

Good questions. Make some experiments. :))
At least the manual intervention is a good suspect because it occurs exactly
when you get undecryptable images.

I see in your script:

    umount /mnt/BDbackup
    cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/BDbackup
    losetup -d $IMGLOOP

    # Step 5: Burn to BD-R

and would expect that the three lines are there for a reason.

Do i understand correctly that the overflow happens in line 173
with the tar run ?

 tar cf - -C "`dirname "$line"`" "`basename "$line"`" | plzip > "$zipfilename1"

If so: What happens next ? Does the script abort without cleaning up ?
(I.e. no unmounting, closing, and de-looping by the script ?)

> >   dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/dvd

> INQUIRY:                [PIONEER ][BD-RW   BDR-209D][1.30]

That's the killer of Verbatim BD-RE. (If you buy BD-RE, then take any other
brand, which will probably be made by Ritek.)

It's also a super fast BD-R burner and super loud with 10x speed.
If you ever use it with unformatted BD-R by
  growisofs -use-the-force-luke=spare=none ...
then consider to curb its speed by e.g. -speed=6

>  Mounted Media:         41h, BD-R SRM+POW

So it is a BD-R in the default formatting state of growisofs.

>  Speed Descriptor#0:    00/12088319 R@12.0x4495=53940KB/s

The speed descriptor says that it is valid from block 0 to 12088319.
That would be the size of 23610 MiB achieved by growisofs option
I have no idea from growisofs source code in
why it has chosen this size. I'd expect it came to line 738
        i = 8;  // grab default descriptor
and not to the lines under 721
    if (spare == 0)     // locate descriptor with maximum capacity

But it explains why your burn runs succeeded.

(Looking at the patches confuses me even more. One by me is present twice:
and one other aims to prevent the SRM+POW formatting which you get

>  Track State:           partial incremental
>  Track Start Address:   0*2KB
>  Free Blocks:           0*2KB
>  Track Size:            12032000*2KB

That's the 24064000K of your image file. All seems well, as far as the BD-R
is concerned.

>  ...
>  Next Writable Address: 12032000*2KB
>  Free Blocks:           56320*2KB

There would still be 100 MB free for another session.
(But don't mess with good backups which are not intended as multi-session.)

> I went for the image file solution, which
> - while not being "pretty" - should at least work and I'm not disk space
> limited (at least as far as the size of a BD is concerned).

With BD-RE media and the patience for <= 4.5 MB/s write speed you could
install /dev/mapper/BDbackup directly on /dev/dvd, mount and populate it
like the encrypted image, umount, execute sync(1), cryptsetup luksClose,
and another sync just to be sure.

The BD-RE has to be already formatted.
Default size by growisofs' companion:
  dvd+rw-format /dev/dvd
(To request other sizes you'll have to study
from where i guess that option -spare=min brings 23610 MiB.)
With xorriso i would do:
  xorriso -outdev /dev/dvd -format by_size_23610m

Afterwards the Linux kernel should be able to handle it without the need
for a burn program. But also without the neat streaming of image writing
and without the opportunity to get full 2x speed (9 MiB/s) by disabling
Defect management.

Have a nice day :)


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