El mar, 12 jul 2022 a las 14:13, Anssi Saari (<a...@sci.fi>) escribió:
> "Gareth Evans" <donots...@fastmail.fm> writes:
> > On Tue 12 Jul 2022, at 10:19, Maximiliano Estudies <maxiestud...@gmail.com> 
> > wrote:
> >
> >> drop and reject are not equivalent.
> >
> > Fair enough
> >
> > [...]
> >> In most cases it's a best practice to configure all chains with
> >> _policy drop_ and then add rules for the traffic that you want to
> >> allow
> >
> > All the nftables and PF howtos I have found take this approach.
> >
> > Why is it best practice?  Is there any security advantage over rejection?
> Not really, to me using DROP is a simplistic view not based in reality.
> https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~peterb/network/drop-vs-reject
> covers the pros and cons reasonably with this conclusion:
> "DROP offers no effective barrier to hostile forces but can dramatically
> slow down applications run by legitimate users. DROP should not normally
> be used."

nft only allows for two possible default policies, DROP or ACCEPT,
thus it isn't possible to configure a chain with default REJECT. Thus
my suggestion to configure default drop (just in case) and a
"catch-all" reject at the bottom of the chain.

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