On 7/11/22 11:30, Ram Ramesh wrote:

  I have a firewall machine built recently and it runs debian bullseye (v11). It has two ethernet interfaces - one internal ($intf) and one external ($extf). My external port runs dhclient to get its IP address and internal port runs dnsmasq to provide DNS service to internal/protected hosts. Usual iptables rules are established to prevent attack/entry into internal net from external net and allow proper internet access to internal net hosts.

  I had this system working fine (on an older machine) since debian 5.0.7. I have not upgraded that machine as it is working fine. However that hardware is too old (10+ years) and I wanted to replace it with something more modern running latest OS and that is why I built the above machine.

 My old machine does not seem have avahi-daemon. So, it runs fine. However, my new machine has this daemon running which notices that $extif does not have much activity and disables it after some timeout idle time. I initially thought my firewall rules are suspect and was banging my head for a while adding extra rules for DHCPDISCOVER/REQUEST etc thinking that those are blocked. Today I noticed that my $extif is vanishing and /var/log/daemon.log shows some avahi-daemon messages about that interface being disabled/withdrawn or some such thing.

As a next step, I want to tell avahi-daemon that it should not work on that interface as it is not meant to be fooled around.  Do I use deny-interface $extif or allow-interface $intif only? Which is proper? Will doing one of these solve my problem of $extif vanishing from ifconfig?

If you think there is something else that I can do that is better, please let me know that too.

Much appreciate any help.

Please let me know if you need anything else that will help to resolve this problem.


It appears that this is not an issue with avahi-daemon. My $extif is through usb NIC and that seem to go down due to some sort of powersave autosuspend.  Currently I am running ping -i 60 <ext_gw> and that keeps the net up and $extif has not vanished for a day.

I did some googling on how to disable autosuspend, but answers were quite confusing. Do you know a simple way to disable autopowerdown of just this usb NIC? May be there is something that I can do with ethtool?


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