On Sun, 17 Jul 2022 at 10:24, Gary L. Roach <garyroach...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Some time ago I installed backuppc and then decided to not use it. Even
> though I purged the program and made sure that I deleted all
> directories, I still get a backuppc password request when starting any
> of my programs. Anyone had this problem and if so, do you know how to
> get rid of it.

Hi Gary.

People will be in a better position to advise you if you confirm
what method did you use to "install" it? Because there are
multiple possibilities and you give us no clues.

Did you use Debian tools (apt, apt-get, aptitude, synaptic)?
Or some other method?

And the same questions, but for "purge".

Asking because Debian makes great effort to ensure that
its tools work as intended when used as intended for this kind
of task. But if you didn't use the recommended tools in the
recommended manner, that can explain this kind of breakage,
and why your situation might be unique and thus require
additional description by you.

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