On Wed Jul 27 10:30:05 2022 tony <li...@vanderhoff.org> wrote:

> I turned on my main home server after a few weeks absence,  and got
> smoke from its power supply. Fortunately, I have a backup system,
> which does work; both are running Debian 10, so I swapped use to that
> machine. and am able to work with that, but some of the files and
> settings are a bit out of date.
> I decided to move the disk from the broken machine to the backup, but
> on booting I'm dropped into a grub screen saying disk id <blablabla>
> not found. Not entirely surprising perhaps.
> So, how do I get it to recognize, and boot from the old disK.

You might not be able to.  I once had a power supply fail
in such a way as to destroy the motherboard and the two
hard drives in the machine.  I lost about 180GB of stuff,
only some of which I was able to replace.  My backups are
_much_ better now.

Let's hope you're luckier than that.

/~\  Charlie Gibbs                  |  Life is perverse.
\ /  <cgibbs@kltpzyxm.invalid>      |  It can be beautiful -
 X   I'm really at ac.dekanfrus     |  but it won't.
/ \  if you read it the right way.  |    -- Lily Tomlin

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