Am Wed, 3 Aug 2022 15:50:46 +0000
schrieb Andy Smith <>:

> In this second reply, because you had said that no ISP will do
> "this" (without saying what "this" is), I thought you were arguing
> that there will be no IPv6 firewall. So my question was "why do you
> think having an IPv6 firewall is more costly than having an IPv4
> one?".

Ok, I misunderstood this, we meant the same.
> At no point did I suggest that IPv6 NAT would be set up by the ISP.
> In fact I was saying the opposite, like you. And then showed that I
> was on a connection that had NAT for IPv4 but just a packet filter
> for IPv6.

NAT for IPv4 is quite common because of the small amount of addresses.
Most residual providers do not have an SPI firewall for the customer.
The SPI firewall is inside the router at home. Customers can use
another router or configure the router from the ISP.
I know that some cellular providers (LTE, UMTS) do SPI firewalling - the
customer can't switch it off.

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