On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 03:58:30PM -0400, Lie Rock wrote:
> So how is the process "create system users" performed when Linux/Debian
> starts? What can be contributing to this error?

unicorn:~$ grep -ri 'create system users' /lib/systemd
/lib/systemd/system/systemd-sysusers.service:Description=Create System Users

unicorn:~$ systemctl cat systemd-sysusers.service
Documentation=man:sysusers.d(5) man:systemd-sysusers.service(8)

unicorn:~$ man systemd-sysusers
       systemd-sysusers creates system users and groups, based on the file
       format and location specified in sysusers.d(5).

That's enough to get you started down the rabbit hole(s).  You should
also definitely check the logs on your system (e.g.
 journaltctl -u systemd-sysusers) to see what *exactly* went wrong.

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