On 8/17/22 06:59, Haines Brown wrote:
I've installed virutalBox

Please run the following commands as root post the complete console session -- prompts, commands entered, output obtained:

# cat /etc/debian_version ; uname -a

# dpkg-query -l | grep virtualbox

and downloaded a FreeBSD ISO file.

What is the URL of the page that contained the download? What is the name of the ISO file you downloaded?

created virtual machine for the FreeBSD. When I start it it boots to a
login prompt.

This is how I created a FreeBSD VM on May 18, 2020, using VirtualBox on Debian 9. Adjust values as appropriate for your environment:

*  Start VirtualBox GUI.  Click New:

      Name and operating system

        Name                    vf1
        Machine Folder          /scratch/dpchrist/virtualbox/vm
        Type                    BSD
        Version                 FreeBSD (64-bit)
        Next >

      Memory size
        1024 MB
        Next >

      Hard disk
        Create a virtual hard disk now

      Hard disk file type
        Next >

      Storage on physical hard disk
        Dynamically allocated
        Next >

      File location and size
        7.00 GB

*  Change virtual machine settings:


        Adapter 1
            checked                     Enable Network Adapter
            Attached to                 Bridged Adapter
            Name                        eno1

            Extended Features
                checked                 Hardware Clock in UTC Time

*  Click Start:

    Select start-up disk

This should start the FreeBSD installer. You can set the root password to whatever you want. You can add users with whatever usernames, passwords, etc., you want.

When done with the installer, choose Machine -> ACPI Shutdown.

Then change virtual machine settings to remove virtual installation media from VM:

        <delete FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-...>

Take a snapshot of the VM so that you can easily get back to the fresh installed state if and when desired. (Going forward, take snapshots periodically and as desired.)

(Adjust other settings as desired, such as CPU cores.)

The next time you start the VM, you should see the console and login prompt of your new FreeBSD VM.

My impression is that since the Virtual Machine boots an ISO it
has not been configured with a user account and password. How then
can I log in at the login prompt?

My guess is that you booted a FreeBSD "Live CD" (?). If so, STFW "freebsd live username password" I found:


"To gain access to the system, authentication is required. The username is root and the password is blank."


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