On Thu 29 Sep 2022 at 17:21:36 (+0200), Christoph Pleger wrote:
> > But I just realized that this does not work anymore in Debian 11. That
> > is, hibernating and suspending still require the user to enter the root
> > password, but rebooting and powering off work without authentication.
> > Why is this the case and what do I have to do to get again what I want?
> If I enter the following:
> pkaction -v -a org.freedesktop.login1.reboot
> it tells me that authentication is necessary to reboot. Is there maybe
> something else than org.freedesktop.login1.reboot that allows the
> reboot, though org.freedesktop.login1.reboot denies it?

I suppose it might be worth mentioning how your users reboot or
shutdown the system, and whether this applies only when seated at
a console or even to all users (for those of us who reboot with
CtrlAltDel and shutdown by touching the physical power button).


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