Am 29.09.2022 21:40, schrieb
On Thu, Sep 29, 2022 at 08:13:56PM +0100, David wrote:


The software I want to run is provided by Ubiquity as an NVR for their
cameras, I have versions for Debian 7, 8 & 9.

I think the warnings from both Andys and hede are a bit too one-sided,
if well-meant.

Where's my one-sided warning? It's quite the opposite, as I clearly stated there are good reasons to do so.

If you need to install an older Debian, that's what the archives are
for, after all (I had to, for a customer's embedded system, and the
archives were invaluable for the system itself as well as for the
chroot cross-compile environment to create specific binaries:

Yes, is your friend here.

system had 4 megabytes of RAM and 4 megabytes of flash (yes *mega*,
you read correctly) so no chance a current debian could play there).

I doubt you are doing anything useful with something like Debian 8 and 4 MB of RAM, I bet it was way older. The smallest system I'd ever use with a post-2000 Linux had 32 MB of RAM and used Linux 2.4 even after way newer kernels were released, for reasons.

You should somewhat know what you are doing: exposing such a system
to the wide internet would be asking for trouble, of course.

of course; and hopefully David will take this into account.

I wouldn't
use that as my "dayly driver" without a very good reason, either.

There is a good reason if the software runs way easier with Debian 8. Some internal camera network should be possible to operate separated from the internet. Data transfers and user/admin access can be filtered and/or VPNed. If the alternative is to buy new cameras and if money does matter, I'd do so.

So good luck with your working root access now, David :-)


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