On Sunday, October 02, 2022 05:58:23 AM debian-u...@howorth.org.uk wrote:
> If the document were maintained using technology such as a wiki (with
> restricted edit permissions) then the wiki underpinnings would maintain
> the edit history automatically. A link to the wiki page and a statement
> as to whether there were any recent changes would then be sufficient, I
> think.


But I would suggest putting a copy of the current text of the wiki page in the 
email for convenience of those who don't need the revision history, e.g., first 
time readers.


If you reply: snip, snip, and snip again; leave attributions; avoid HTML; 
avoid top posting; and keep it "on list".  (Oxford comma included at no 
charge.)  If you change topics, change the Subject: line. 

Writing is often meant for others to read and understand (legal agreements 
excepted?) -- make it easier for your reader by various means, including 
liberal use of whitespace and minimal use of (obscure?) jargon, abbreviations, 
acronyms, and references.

If someone else has already responded to a question, decide whether any 
response you add will be helpful or not ...

A picture is worth a thousand words -- divide by 10 for each minute of video 
(or audio) or create a transcript and edit it to 10% of the original.

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