Le 14/10/2022 à 07:30, Erwan David a écrit :
Le 14/10/2022 à 07:18, Erwan David a écrit :

Some times ago I went from modules=most to modules=dep in initramfs, because /boot was too small.

the machine is a laptop usually standalone but from time to time connected to a dock with external USB keyboard

Today at boot : external keyboard worked for grub, did not work for entering LUKS key, and works once system is started. This I deduce I need some supplementary module(s) in the initrd. Is there a way to identify those modules and add them ?

Ok, I did an update-initramfs -v -u with and without the dock, now I have a list of modules added for my dock installation. I'll check how to force them being in the initrd even if devices are not detected at generation time.

I got my modules list, I put the list in /etc/iniramfs-tools/modules, update-initramfs -v -u : they are not added to the initrd

man initramfs-tools says

Modules listed in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and /usr/share/initramfs-tools/modules.d/* are always included in the initramfs, and are loaded early in the boot process.

So I do not understand what I should do

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