On 28/10/2022 05:19, William Torrez Corea wrote:

Only use my laptop in my desktop and when i going to sleep in a night
table for watch a movie.

Compare G-Sense_Error_Rate attribute value in smartctl output in the beginning and at the end. In some buildings a train line nearby may cause strong enough vibration (I do not believe in such hypothesis).

On 20/10/2022 08:26, William Torrez Corea wrote:
when I start firefox the page stays loading too much time and when I try
to open LibreOffice or Gimp it loads the program very slow. In the
browser I have different tabs open.

Output of the "free" utility may give some clue on memory usage. Start "journalctl -f" before launching application to check for new errors. Watch top lines in "top" statistics (processor and memory "M") while application are starting to see what is the bottleneck: CPU, input/output, or RAM. Do the same for "iotop" to see disk read speed.

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