On 2022-11-01 at 10:11, jeremy ardley wrote:

> On 1/11/22 21:59, The Wanderer wrote:
>> However, in doing so I have run into a snag which I previously
>> skipped over and ignored: I don't actually know what the @variable@
>> syntax means/does, or what parses it. It's not Makefile syntax, as
>> far as I've been able to determine. I haven't thus far found any
>> documentation for debian/control.in at all; my searches are leading
>> me only to documentation for debian/control, which doesn't mention
>> any .in file as far as I've found.
> If it's not Makefile, it's quite possibly cmake based which in turn
> can generate dynamic makefiles at various stages in the build.
> The downside is that cmake for large projects has nuances that
> require years of direct cmake experience to fully understand what is
> going on.

This definitely isn't cmake. It's part of the Debian build system, and
if that depended on cmake, I'm all but absolutely certain that I'd know
it by now.

Also, this has nothing to do with the build system for the software
being packaged; it's entirely to do with the Debian packaging glue which
handles telling that build system what to do and tying the results of
the build together into Debian package files.

> Search for some CMakeFiles.txt files to check if you need to explore
> cmake further.

The only such CMake*.txt files present are those in third-party
dependency subdirectories of the source tree, which have nothing to do
with the Debian build system.

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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