
It looks like the syslog date format has changed for some reason (see below) 
and the change is definitely less readable for me. The change maybe related to 
the rsyslog upgrade that happened around November 4, 2022:

    [UPGRADE] rsyslog:amd64 8.2210.0-1 -> 8.2210.0-3

Any ideas as to get the old syslog date format back?


Nov  4 03:26:23 [localhost] systemd[1]: Reloading.      ## how syslog records 
used to look
2022-11-04T03:26:24.151066-04:00 tst systemd[1]: Stopping System Logging 
Service... ## how syslog records look now
2022-11-04T03:26:24.297040-04:00 tst rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" 
swVersion="8.2210.0" x-pid="463" x-info="https://www.rsyslog.com";] exiting on 
signal 15.

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