I am no expert (in Linux, backporting or anything else) and cannot emit a viable advice about what your backup plan should be. You are in better position to evaluate your needs, your means and design a satisfying backup plan accordingly.

What I was underlyning is that in my opinion you are confusing deduplicating during backup and incremental/differential backups. (Perhaps in your context that has no consequences and is thus unimportant). To *me* what you are talking about is incremental/differential backups, not deduplicating backups.

For example, I am myself using Deja-Dup (based upon Duplicity, itself based upon librsync) for my basic home laptop backup: it's incremental backups but I would not call it deduplicating backups.

The Wikipedia deduplicating paragrah of their backup article has an example of 100 identical workstations having a backup storage need divided by 100 by deduplication.

Wikipedia "deduplicating" parapragh of their backup article:
Wikipedia "incremental" parapragh of their backup article:
Wikipedia "differential" parapragh of their backup article:

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