On Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 07:15:07AM +0100, hw wrote:
> On Thu, 2022-11-10 at 23:05 -0500, Michael Stone wrote:


> Why would anyone use SSDs for backups?  They're way too expensive for that.


> So far, the failure rate with SSDs has been not any better than the failure 
> rate
> of hard disks.  Considering that SSDs are supposed to fail less, the 
> experience
> with them is pretty bad.

You keep pulling things out of whatever (thin air, it seems). Here's a report
by folks who do lots of HDDs and SDDs:


The gist, for disks playing similar roles (they don't use yet SSDs for bulk
storage, because of the costs): 2/1518 failures for SSDs, 44/1669 for HDDs.

I'll leave the maths as an exercise to the reader.


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