On Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 07:12:26AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 12:09:16AM -0800, Joe B wrote:
> > Hello, This is an old thread about 2003ish i found it browsing the lists, i
> > noticed that your post dosen't have the >> next to the quote you have pipes 
> > |
> > on all of the quotes. how did you do that?
> It would be an option in one's MUA (Mail User Agent, or mail reader).
> For example, in mutt I could change it by doing
> :set indent_string='| '
> or making the analogous change in my ~/.muttrc file.
> How it's configured in *your* MUA may be radically different.

Works for me, too. But to quote muttrc(5):

    Specifies the string to prepend to each line of text quoted in
    a message to which you are replying. You are strongly encouraged
    not to change this value, as it tends to agitate  the  more
    fanatical netizens.

Heed the advise of wise people!


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