On Thu 17 Nov 2022 at 11:12:20 (-0800), Larry Rodgers wrote:
> Dear Debian.org <http://debian.org/> Personnel:

I'm just this guy, I'm afraid.

>       I’ve unsuccessfully tried to use Ubuntu on my Linux-based computer for 
> quite some time.  The problems seem to be related to security issues and 
> hacking.  I’ve made progress, but I notice that the only commands that work 
> well are the commands that are entered through the Terminal.

Are you aware that Ubuntu is a derivative of the Debian distribution?

What sort of problems are you encountering?

Do you have examples of your terminal commands and what they're
intended to do?

>       I am interested in purchasing Debian

Debian can be downloaded from the web, and is priceless, literally and
figuratively. Just go to https://www.debian.org/, press the Download
button and read that page. For a laptop, get the non-free firmware
version (still priceless).

>       if I could find a good eraser, good security through a VPN, and 
> information on using Debian.

Dban has been mentioned. That might be no good if you're corporate
or you use SSDs (see their website https://dban.org/ ).
I avoid the need for erasing disks by using encrypted partitions
for everything that matters.

There are several editions of The Debian Administrator’s Handbook
available on the web. Any search engine will find them.


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