On Sat, 2022-12-03 at 15:48 +0000, John Scott wrote:
> > Where am I making a mistake, please ?
> I think I know the problem. On the client machine, by default glibc
> doesn't indicate to applications that DNS records were signed via
> DNSSEC. This is because, how is glibc to know whether the DNS servers
> it's getting its records from is supposed to be considered
> trustworthy? It might be some DNS server set up by your ISP or
> something, and you might not want to place your full trust in them.
> I believe your server is configured correctly. However, in order for
> GNU/Linux clients to take advantage of DNSSEC, they typically need to
> run validating DNS resolvers locally that can be trusted, AND set a
> glibc option in /etc/resolv.conf letting glibc know that the
> signatures can be trusted.
> I'm not a DNS aficionado, so someone please correct me if I got the
> details wrong

Thanks, John,

I am following this clue.

Kind regards,

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