On Sat 03 Dec 2022 at 08:19:48 (+0100), Loïc Grenié wrote:
> On Sat Dec, 3, 2022 at 04:03, David Wright wrote:

> > Yes, hence my comment on potential interactions between different
> > packages. The OP mentioned udev, but in their OP they talked about
> > manually restarting systemd services. I was under the impression
> > that systemd and udev are upgraded in step, and AFAICT (as I'm not
> > running bookworm or sid), they've had half a dozen upgrades in the
> > last two months. Plenty of scope for interactions there.
>      I run sid and am usually able to resolve the problems by myself.
>   The fact is that during some upgrades X gets killed unexpectedly,
>   without any warning, and on the console I see that some services
>   do not start.

The obvious questions are which services, and are they consistently
the same ones.

>                 I usually reboot but it's annoying; a couple of kills ago
>   I tried to manually restart the failed services, and it's very time
>   consuming.
>     I still don't know *what upgrade(s)* kill(s) X. I have suspected
>   logind, libpam and udev, but I don't know for sure. I'll try udevadm
>   monitor as you suggested.
>      Hence I asked if anybody else experienced the same behaviour,
>   and implicitly what I could do to prevent those X kills.

An obvious answer is to shut down X yourself in order to see whether
there's any link between X being killed and whether/which services
fail to restart. Inevitably, this raises the question of why you
might not want to shut down X for upgrades.

(I fall in the camp of people who boot systems/start X/etc into
known initial states. There is an opposite camp that prefers the
restoration of the previous state of the system/their session.
I believe there are packages to help with this, but I'm not
familiar with them. My sole (and partial) exception is Firefox.)

Beyond these generalities about note-taking/reporting and
problem disection, I'm still not much help on the specifics.


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