On 04.12.2022 23:09 hw wrote:
On Sun, 2022-12-04 at 15:00 +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
On Sun, Dec 04, 2022 at 03:52:31PM +0100, hw wrote:
How did you install - what image, what steps?


see below...

On 04.12.2022 21:49 hw wrote:
> [...]
> So I'm stuck with Fedora.  What's wrong with Debian that we can't even
> get AMD cards to work.

I think you need around the 5.15 kernel.

It was fully updated and the amdgpu module would load after forcing it,
yet it didn't work right.  This is something that should --- and does
with Fedora --- work right out of the box.

Fedora is a bleeding edge distribution. As such it's more comparable to Debian Unstable or maybe Testing than to Debian Stable (like currently Debian 11 "Bullseye").

Radeon RX 6000 series was released last year. I doubt it was possible to use one of these with Red Hat Enterprise Linux ootb in the beginning of this year before RHEL 9 was released. ;-)


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