Andreas Rönnquist wrote:
On Sun, 4 Dec 2022 05:29:58 -0600,
Richard Owlett<> wrote:

I wish to document a personal project.The desired format will resemble
the outline for term papers we wrote in school in the 50's. Except
some items may be a short paragraph or two long.

I did a web search for text editors with an auto-indent feature.
The only one I recognized was Leafpad. But I couldn't find appropriate
documentation or "howto". Where would I find it?

Any other suggestions for a basic text editor in the Debian repository
with an auto-indent feature. I'm not interested in a full blown word


It seems leafpad is obsolete and not maintained any longer (It is only
available in Debian Stretch).

If you could try something else, I would try mousepad (which actually
is a fork of leafpad).

That page suggests it's what I'm looking for.
I attempted to install it on my old machine [has a large external monitor] but got a "temporary connection failure" message.
Will try it again this afternoon.

If you would be ready to try something new and are not afraid of
massive amount of settings (and thereby possibilities) but still
GTK-based, I would try SciTE.

(Yes, I am biased regarding SciTE, since I'm one of the Debian package

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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