On Thu, 8 Dec 2022 02:08:09 +0800
Bret Busby <b...@busby.net> wrote:

> … it is my understanding, in 
> thinking about it further, after I had suggested running apt install, 
> that the correct, or, recommended procedure, before installing any 
> additional packages, is to always, first, run apt update, to ensure
> that the cache is always updated, before attempting to either upgrade
> the system, or, to install any additional packages, as a standard
> operating procedure.
> Could someone please confirm or correct this perception?

A a general rule, confirm. It can't hurt (other than the time it takes)
and might help a lot. You should use the same tool to update that you
use to upgrade. E.g.:

apt update && apt upgrade

A daily cron job to do the update or daily auto upgrades should be

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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