Am Thu, Dec 08, 2022 at 04:38:55PM +0300 schrieb Semih Ozlem:

Hello Semith,

I have deleted (i), (ii) and (iv) because I can not contribute to that
questions. Please tell me if this is not ok in this mailing list.

> (iii) I have an external hard drive seagate that appears in lsusb command
> but the disk does not mount or appear under blkid or lsblk even with sudo.
> Can I recover that device external hard disk

I have also an external hard drive which behaves similar.
It is an Intenso "something" with 250 GB or 500 GB.

The external disk works well if connected by a cheap USB hub with an
external 5V supply.

This is not mch feedback but I hope it helps.

Kind regards,

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