I've removed [Solved] from the Subject: line as reinstallation
doesn't count as a solution, and any evidence is destroyed.

On Thu 08 Dec 2022 at 20:33:58 (-0500), Greg Wooledge wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 01:19:46AM +0100, email.list...@gmail.com wrote:
> > As it turns out I didn't need to but for future use, do you have any tips on
> > where one might find documentation about how agetty interacts with the rest
> > of the debian startup process? I've searched but the results have been
> > scant.
> I don't know all of the pieces either.  There are a LOT of them.
> By default, systemd is supposed to run a single getty on /dev/tty1, and
> also passively "listen" for activity on tty2 through tty6.  Switching
> to one of those VTs will cause a getty to be spawned there.  NOT switching
> to them leaves them with nothing visibly running.
> Before pressing Ctrl-Alt-F3:
> unicorn:~$ ps -ft tty3
> UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
> After pressing Ctrl-Alt-F3:
> unicorn:~$ ps -ft tty3
> UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
> root      852799       1  0 20:18 tty3     00:00:00 /sbin/agetty -o -p -- \u 
> --n
> The number of passively launched getty processes is configurable in
> /etc/systemd/logind.conf.  I believe it's the NAutoVTs= parameter that
> controls this.
> I've forgotten the details of your problem, but if switching to tty2
> gives you a login prompt, but switching back to tty1 does NOT give you
> one on tty1, then there must be something going wrong with the getty
> that's supposed to be started on tty1 at boot time -- but the passive
> gettys controlled by systemd-logind must be working.
> I think the passive ones are controlled by getty@.service (the @ sign is
> some kind of wildcard).  If I read /lib/systemd/system/getty@.service
> I can see
> ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -o '-p -- \\u' --noclear %I $TERM
> which appears to match the process I'm seeing on tty3:
> unicorn:~$ ps w -ft tty3
> UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY      STAT   TIME CMD
> root      852799       1  0 20:18 tty3     Ss+    0:00 /sbin/agetty -o -p -- 
> \u --noclear tty3 linux
> I don't know whether the initial getty on tty1 is also controlled by
> this service, or by some other service.  (I've already logged in on tty1
> and done a "startx", so my whole X session is running on tty1, instead
> of a getty.)

  $ tail -n 3 /lib/systemd/system/getty@.service 

This has the effect of installing the symlink
pointing to /lib/systemd/system/getty@.service, which
isn't used at runtime, but sets up the symlink that actually
starts the tty1 getty. AIUI it also prevents any /automatic/
(passive) instantiation on tty1.

(If you remember back to September, you can prevent the appearance
of the tty1 getty with   systemctl disable getty@tty1.service,
which removes the symlink above. See:


> For grins:
> unicorn:~$ systemctl status getty@tty1.service
> ● getty@tty1.service - Getty on tty1
>      Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service; enabled; vendor 
> preset>
>     Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/getty@.service.d
>              └─noclear.conf
>      Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-11-17 18:05:49 EST; 3 weeks 0 
> days>
>        Docs: man:agetty(8)
>              man:systemd-getty-generator(8)
>              http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/serial-console.html
>    Main PID: 743 (login)
>       Tasks: 0 (limit: 14198)
>      Memory: 1.7M
>         CPU: 48ms
>      CGroup: /system.slice/system-getty.slice/getty@tty1.service
>              ‣ 743 /bin/login -p --
> Warning: some journal files were not opened due to insufficient permissions.
> Ah, right, I configured that noclear.conf file on this system.
> unicorn:~$ cat /etc/systemd/system/getty@.service.d/noclear.conf
> [Service]
> TTYVTDisallocate=no
> So I guess getty@.service also controls the getty on tty1.  I have no idea
> why it would stop working.  Check your logs (systemctl/journalctl as root)
> and see what you can find.
> Even though I'm still not clear on how all this stuff works, I hope some
> of this rambling and pasting might be helpful.

You and I presumably run our systems with multi-user as the final
target. I think the OP had graphical instead, but hadn't installed
a DM. That's how I interpret:

 "After that I installed a bunch of packages that I usually do after
  a fresh install, one of which was lightdm, and all of a sudden
  everything works and the problem is gone."

which implies they hadn't done this first time around.

Somebody might test this on a DM/DE system by removing the DM.
I imagine that tty1 will sit there waiting for the DM to appear.

Obviously I don't know how one would manage to get this with the d-i,
but as the OP appears to have had UEFI/BIOS issues, that might mean
that the d-i failed in a manner we haven't been told about.


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