On Sun, 11 Dec 2022 12:39:31 -0500
gene heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:

> So I need a WORKING email agent, with or without fetchmail & procmail.
> And it looks like after 20 years, I am going to have to learn how to
> use a brand new to me emailer. Neither mutt, nor alpine, has docs for
> a beginner that aren't buried 2+ more directories deep in
> /usr/share/doc.
> No man pages...
> So at this point I guessing that I need a fetchmail/procmail front
> end as I don't find any references to account setups for either one.
> Is my macular degeneration of my 88 yo eyes hiding that from me?

You might look at Claws-mail. I've no idea of the extent of the
documentation, as I moved to it from TB and never needed documents.

I confirm that filtering certainly works, as I use it with a newsgroup
that is unusable unless about forty names/subjects are dumped.

It has bugs, and is no use if you use testing, as it has (temporarily, I
hope) been removed from there. So I'm not using testing until it comes


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