On Fri, Dec 23, 2022 at 12:36:56PM +0100, Pierre Frenkiel wrote:
> I wanted to open vi with a white background and a black fg
> to do that, I put in my .vimrc, as recommended, a line
>     colorscheme white
> that worked, except that each time I open vim, I get the message:
>    cannot find color scheme 'white'
> I don't worry, but is there a way to get rid of that warning?

You could try using a different colorscheme.  Apparently, there's no
way to get vim to tell you their names, but the help says it looks
for "colors/{name}.vim", so you might be able to do something like
this to find them:

   locate colors | grep vim

I have no idea why a command that fails would still give you the desired
result.  Did you already have a .vimrc file before this?  Or did you
create a whole .vimrc file just for this line?

If creating the .vimrc file is what fixed it (by overriding the system
default vimrc), then you don't actually need a colorscheme line at all.
You just need a .vimrc file, and an empty one should suffice if you really
don't want any changes.

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