On 12/26/22 13:44, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
On Mon, Dec 26, 2022 at 1:25 PM Tim Woodall <debianu...@woodall.me.uk> wrote:


It had a 16GB sandisk microSD card although I was only using c 3GB at
the beginning.

On 21st December the kernel remounted the card ro - but (almost)
everything continued to work - my daily backups take a snapshot (which
failed) and the daily 'I'm alive' email also failed. Both of these
generated an 'URGENT' email from my monitoring scripts. As the AP and
routing were both fine I investigated at the weekend.

What I found was the beginning of the card was unwriteable, I've not
investigated exactly how much, while the rest of the card seems
perfectly OK. I cannot, for example, change the partition table, nor can
e2fsck clear the dirty journal flag, nor could I change cmdline.txt but
my quick sampling didn't find anything else that was unwriteable.

Do these cards have wear levelling? Have I just got unlucky that it's
the start of the card that is unwriteable and so I cannot continue on
the 12GB of space that has never been part of a partition?

Yeah, SDcards wear out. I don't know if they perform wear leveling and such.

I use RPI's to test Botan, Crypto++ and OpenSSL on armel (RPI-1,
armv6), armhf (RPI-2, armv7-a) and arm64 (RPI-4, aarch64). I put a
swap file on them to avoid OOM kills when running the C++ compiler.[1]
I eat a SDcard every 6 months or so.

While I think they do wear leveling. however my busiest sd card is a 64Gb in an rpi4b that also has a couple even bigger SSD's mounted by way of usb3 disk adaptors, and everything of a high traffic nature other than the os itself, has been moved to the SSD's. I build from git pulls or install 60 megs worth of linuxcnc almost daily and that traffic of the install goes to the u-sd card. That 64GB card was new in May 2016 for a jessie install, the realtime kernel I built for LinuxCNC was installed in Feb 2020 after I'd rebuilt it for the rpi4b as it started out on an rpi3b. It is still working fine, and I am convinced it is because the wear leveling has room to play. A df report:
pi@rpi4:~ $ df
Filesystem     1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root       61064956  21638960  36863232  37% /
devtmpfs          959080         0    959080   0% /dev
tmpfs             992872         0    992872   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs             992872     67016    925856   7% /run
tmpfs               5120         0      5120   0% /run/lock
tmpfs             992872         0    992872   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1    258095     66664    191432  26% /boot
/dev/sdb1      229700940 109273548 108689536  51% /media/pi/workspace
tmpfs             198572         4    198568   1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sda3 91332952 57368 86593108 1% /media/pi/1485dff1-c61f-4bb0-a1c8-26f5201696fb
/dev/sda1        2573384     67468   2505916   3% /media/pi/boot12

/media/pi/workspace is a 240 GB SSD where most of the traffic goes, while /dev/sda2 is 9.9 GB of swap, 70 megs in use, sda is a 120GB kingston SSD. It has a small cyberpower ups and I have standby power so it does not see power failures.
uptime is:
pi@rpi4:~ $ uptime
 15:21:08 up 70 days,  2:00,  3 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.07, 0.24

The card seems perfectly healthy yet and will be 7 years old next May.
And yes, I did rather quickly destroy a 16GB card that had less than 5GB on it when it quit.

Will it die yet today? IDK.

And is there a way to detect pending failures like this before they

Not that I know of, smartctl is rather crippled for u-sd's but seems to work ok with the SSD's.

Don't know. I don't believe SDcards have SMART monitoring.

I usually wait until I get unexplained file system errors, and then
throw the card away. For me, the file system errors usually surface on
an `apt update && apt upgrade`.



Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
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