On 03/01/2023 21:36, pe...@easthope.ca wrote:

Can't comment on Cheese camera software or Qemu bridge, I don't use that.

Firefox has become slow and crashes frequently.

Firefox works perfectly well for me, on both Debian Stable and Debian Testing systems. I don't restart Firefox for days and weeks sometimes. I am glad they have ESR version, which is much more mature than break-neck normal release cycle. I install ESR on every OS I use, and for all my friends.

Not long ago the release criterion was "release when ready".
What's become of that?

I am absolutely glad that Debian Stable is stable as much as it can be, I don't experience any major breakdowns or issues, apart from chronic instabilities unrelated to Debian itself, for example bugs in Radeon GPU drivers and in KDE. If you experience issues with particular package, like Cheese, Qemu or Firefox, you should concentrate on those three areas, Debian maintainers package software to best of their ability, but bugs upstream from Debian will always exist.

With kindest regards, Piotr.

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