On Wed, 4 Jan 2023, ?ngel wrote:

There are no transparent proxies for https. They would either pass
traffic without inspecting it, or they would need to break the TLS
connection to MITM it, and -unless the client has installed a CA for
the proxy- cause all https connections to fail due to untrusted

I suggest you read up about the problem that ESNI is supposed to solve.

As someone who runs a https transparent proxy that does SNI inspection
and egress filtering, I can assure you they do exist and will break ovpn
running on port 443.

You might argue that it's not a proxy - it doesn't and cannot cache
content - but so much content is dynamic now anyway that caching isn't
particularly useful except for things like debian packages. Egress
filtering is still possible.

It's frustrating that so much effort goes into defeating government
level inspection of end user traffic and so little goes into defeating
the countless IoT trojan horses in our homes. Indeed, I wouldn't be
surprised if the long term result of the current trajectory is
authoritarian regimes using phones to spy on people in their homes with
no way to block it (other than turn the phone off - but that already
works today so ESNI isn't needed)

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