On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 at 10:42:31PM +0000, Tim Woodall wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Jan 2023, songbird wrote:
> >  kudoes to everyone who helped with this in getting it done, finding
> > bugs, fixing problems, converting code, updating docs and testing.  :)
> > 
> What does debian use for moinmoin? Is the debian wiki stuck on buster?

I was wondering exactly the same thing, a few months ago.  I asked on
the Libera #debian IRC channel, and nobody knew.  (Fair enough.)

<https://wiki.debian.org/SystemInfo> shows the Python version:
2.7.16 (default, Oct 10 2019, 22:02:15) [GCC 8.3.0]

This is precisely the same as mine shows, and mine is running on buster.
So my tentative conclusion is that wiki.debian.org is still hosted on
a buster machine (virtual or physical).  I'm wondering what the path
forward is for us.

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