Nate Bargmann wrote: 
> I have a Freedom Box Pioneer (hardware is an Olimex A20-OLinuXino-LIME2
> unit with a Samsung 128 GB micro-SD card.  The micro-SD is partitioned
> into 2GB boot ext2 and the remainder as the root partition as BTRFS.
> The thing has been crashing for months

For the future: don't let things go this long. I know it's
tempting to say "maybe it won't happen again", but the second
time should be the last time before you take action.

> and now it started giving GPG
> signature errors when trying to run 'apt update'.  I copied the entire
> micro-SD card to an image file with dd so I have a backup.  Running
> 'btrfs check' resulted in a lot of errors so I ran the check and
> directed the output to a file which is over 2MB in size!  The following
> is a small snippet of what it in the file:


> Everything online hints that attempting repair is particularly
> dangerous, but what else am I to do?  At the moment the system is pretty
> much useless.

1: get a new card, or, much better, replace with a SATA
SSD. (I see the Olimex has a SATA port. Use it!) Here's a
$29 128GB SSD from a reputable manufacturer.

2: Reinstall Debian on the new disk. Don't use btrfs on a
single-drive system; only use btrfs on a mirrored system. In most cases,
use ext4.

3: copy all the data you can from the image file.


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