Tom Browder wrote: 
> I have my new host working and ssh from it to the other local Debian host.
> BUT, I have not so far been able to ssh the other way from the old server
> to the new one. Both servers have password access blocked (thanks for the
> reminder from several folks in the other thread about Internet access to my
> network).
> As far as I can tell, all sshd_config related settings are the same.

Start debugging with connectivity:

from A, ping B.

from B, ping A.

from A, telnet to B port 22, and look for an SSH banner.

from B, telnet to A port 22, and look for an SSH banner.

If you get this far, look in /var/log/auth.log to see problems
with the specific login.

Report error messages back here, if they're confusing.


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