Am 05.02.2023 um 18:30 schrieb Dan Ritter:
> (...)
> RJ45 is a physical connector with 8 pairs of twisted wires. The
> twisted pairs carry the same signal but with the polarity
> reversed, + on one is - on the other. Together with the
> twisting, that makes the signal being carried resistant to
> interference. Ethernet is a low level protocol often carried by
> RJ45-connected twisted pair cables.
> Bridging extends a network segment. Routing makes decisions
> about where IP packets should go.
> The router that connects to the internet for you is probably
> doing several jobs:
> - it is bridging from a long-haul network like xDSL, DOCSIS
> (cable modem), or fiber, to your local ethernet
That is correct, DOCSIS in my case.
> - it is acquiring an IP address from the provider and using it
> as your public address
> - it is probably using network address translation (NAT) to
> allow multiple internal addresses to masquerade as the single
> public address
> - it is probably providing those internal addresses via DHCP
I can confirm all of the above. And i'd have to add, that matters got
more complicated with dozens of VM's running on the host, and atm 5
networks serving different purposes, which would really need some
unwinding to happen for progress to be even possible. I am afraid, that
i did create all this mess over time due to my understanding being so
> It would be reasonably cheap to put an ethernet switch between
> the router and your existing host and new backup host. In the
> US, an 8 port ethernet switch is $28:
> and you would need at least two more ethernet cables, which are
> also cheap.
> $7.50 for preterminated 25 foot cable
> I presume that there are similar companies in Germany which will
> sell you basically the same things.
> You unplug the host from the router, plug the router into the
> switch, and the two hosts into the switch. No configuration
> changes, most likely. Everything is likely to work.
> ---
> If you insist on plugging your second host directly into your first,
> you can do that instead:
> - configure an ethernet interface on both sides with an RFC1918
> network address
> - plug them into each other
> - you can now ping each from the other
> - now you configure routing and NAT masquerading on your primary
> host to hide the secondary host behind it
> I don't recommend this. Buy a switch and some cables.
> -dsr-

I believe, this would work, because i had someone lend me a switch for
some time and it just worked (somehow).
For some reason, i am still interested to get bridge-utils to work, and
i am taking your hint, to use static ip configuration as a starting
point. The difficulty in that case: the backup-server does not have any
OS at this point, which makes it necessary to switch keyboard and
monitor several times in the process, and my handicap forces me to ask
someone for physical help in order to do that.
Very inconvenient to say the least. :-(

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