Le 02/02/2023 à 17:00, stand...@gmx.net a écrit :
- in your guest (MacOSX) VM Virtmanager window menu, click on "Virtual
Machine", then "redirect a USB peripheral",

This is greyed, I can not click it.

- if this happens while the VM is open but not started, it's normal: the VM has to started before this feature being available.

- if this happens while the VM is already started, it could (this is a mere hypothesis) be due to the lack of a guest agent in a MacOS X guest forbidding dynamic USB redirection. Then you could try to (guest being stopped, Ipad starded and Ipad USB cable plugged into your Debian host) to manually create your USB Ipad device in the guest setup, doing something like (sorry, my VirtManager is in french, I try to guess an english translation): [right click on your MacOS X guest VM] > Open > Display > Details > Add Hardware > USB Host Peripheral > here add your Ipad hopefully being listed.
Then when you start the MacOS X guest VM it would perhaps display your Ipad.

If the Ipad appears in the guest but as a USB mass storage, perhaps you can solve the problem with usb-modeswitch

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