its not easy for me,because I have those GPUs on a single system. The OS
that im running is freebsd and I tried to virtualize debian 11 with bhyve
(hypervisor for freebsd). Well,debian accept the 2080 ti and I can use it
within debian guest,but the 1060 does not work. it is not initialized. I
tried to use the 525 for both. I cant use the 390 for both the GPU.

Il mar 21 feb 2023, 23:27 Mario Marietto <> ha

> its not easy for me,because I have those GPUs on a single system. The OS
> that im running is freebsd and I tried to virtualize debian 11 with bhyve
> (hypervisor for freebsd). Well,debian accept the 2080 ti and I can use it
> within debian guest,but the 1060 does not work. it is not initialized. I
> tried to use the 525 for both. I cant use the 390 for both the GPU.
> Il mar 21 feb 2023, 22:57 Georgi Naplatanov <> ha scritto:
>> On 2/21/23 23:45, Mario Marietto wrote:
>> > If I dont get wrong,nvidia created one single driver which works for
>> > every gpu or almost ? it means that if I install the 525 driver for my
>> > RTX 2080 ti will it work also for my old gpu,GTX 1060 ?
>> >
>> AFIK, NVidia offers different driver generations and my understanding is
>> that package nvidia-detect recommends which driver generation is the
>> best for your video card.
>> Kind regards
>> Georgi

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