On Fri, 24 Feb 2023, Keith Bainbridge wrote:

Remember too that many distros have activated a grub setting that means it will 
no longer search for other installations. Turn that off:

Edit the file in /etc/default named 'grub'. Add 'GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false' 
anywhere in the script. Run grub install, 'grub-install'

The op was a bit unclear but they need to boot first to do that.

To the OP, we need to know *exactly* what you see when you try to boot
so we can give help fixing.

Provided you're getting to at least Grub Rescue then it's probably just
a case of typing the right magic. Tell us what you see when you type ls.

If it's a bios error like 'no boot device found' then chances are you're
going to need to use a rescue disk to reinstall grub.>

A rescue disk might be a good idea anyway to inspect what is in the
disk. Trying to fix a boot is hard if you don't know exactly which
partition holds what.

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