On 2/28/23, Anders Andersson <pipat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It did exactly what I expected and what OP seems to want ...

 Yes, it is, partially. I would like to be able to go into "exposed
mode" (connect to the Internet) using a Debian live DVD and keep my
own work totally off line (you could even use the same machine, I
remove the hard drive and then put it back when not exposed anymore),
but even if the debian utilities: "clone" and "apt-offline" would be
of great help, there is quite a bit of stuff which, of course, is not
debian business to keep.

 Say browsers (the best I have found is brave), when you start up a
machine on DL you are once again "virgin" no cookies, no nothing (I
also run mac changer as well), but even though that kind of blank
slate way of saying "hi!" to the Internet is great, you need to know
that you have downloaded a certain file already for which a listing of
the URLs and the path of that data in the owned, unexposed box ...

 For the most part, the software needed to build up all the pieces of
that idea exists. There are other aspects which AFAIK need to be
implemented; for example, some sites take ephemerality too seriously,
instead of showing to you a certain URL to the actual data, the may
change the URL or only let you have access to it if you kept a certain
cookie or would let certain js crap run ... but of course you would
have to remove all js from the unexposed data

 I am sure that as Lennon used to sing: "I am not the only one" who
has thought of such thing.


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