On Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 04:55:03PM +0200, Anssi Saari wrote:
> Nicolas George <geo...@nsup.org> writes:
> > Anssi Saari (12023-03-09):
> >> Perhaps a note, since today in Debian by default it's systemd which runs
> >> /etc/rc.local. There's no guarantee it's done last like there was in SysV
> >> init since systemd runs stuff in parallel. Network availability also
> >> isn't guaranteed. See man systemd-rc-local-generator.
> >
> > Maybe check facts before posting:
> >
> > # /lib/systemd/system/rc-local.service
> > …
> > After=network.target
> >
> > # /usr/lib/systemd/system/rc-local.service.d/debian.conf
> > [Unit]
> > # not specified by LSB, but has been behaving that way in Debian under SysV
> > # init and upstart
> > After=network-online.target
> True, I only checked the man page which doesn't mention
> network-online.target, only network.target.

The man pages are most likely from upstream, and don't include the
changes provided by Debian (in debian.conf).

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