On Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 7:57 PM Xiyue Deng <manp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an AMD64 system[1] that has been running fine on Bullseye for a
> few years, and recently following the soft freeze on Bookworm I upgraded
> my system to try it out, and the system has been frequently losing
> response.  Initially I thought it was because of some issue of my
> qemu-based Win11 virtual machine as it happens most frequently when it
> was running and filed a bug report[2].  But then it happened again
> without it running because some other program had slowly used up most of
> the memory again, though not as frequently as the VM was running.
> Now in retrospect, when I was using Bullseye the total memory was also
> mostly used up most of the time, with a few hundreds of megabytes
> reported as free and a few Gigs reported as cache, and it has been
> running fine.  I'm not sure what has changed in Bookworm and having to
> manually restart the machine is a pretty annoying and unpleasant
> experience.
> Does anyone seeing a similar problem as well?  What can I do to avoid
> this?  Any suggest is welcome.
> Thanks in advance.

Open the command prompt and run `su` to switch user to root. Then run `sync
&& echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches` as root. This will write RAM caches
to the hard drive to free up memory. You have to run this as root as sudo,
my preferred method, returns a permission disabled error.

> [1] System info from inxi:
> CPU: 8-core AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX with Radeon Graphics (-MT MCP-)
> speed/min/max: 1199/1200/4679 MHz Kernel: 6.1.0-5-amd64 x86_64 Up: 7m
> Mem: 4844.4/31521.3 MiB (15.4%) Storage: 476.94 GiB (54.5% used) Procs: 535
> Shell: Bash inxi: 3.3.25

Your system has 32 GB of RAM, it should not be getting used up. Run `free
-h` What desktop are you using: KDE, GNOME, LXQT etc? Are you using Wayland
or X11? It looks like you have a memory leak in one of your applications.
Try running `top` and press `m` to sort by memory utilization.


> [2] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1032400
> --
> Manphiz

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