Emanuel Berg <in...@dataswamp.org> wrote:
> One aspect of Python is that so many people use it so there is
> so much information, web pages, books, the works.
> Whatever issue you have, Google will find a solution, pretty
> much every time. I don't have more than "I've done it"
> experience from Perl but if we compare Lisp to Python when it
> comes to readily available web (and other) resources, Python
> wins - and huge.

Duh, Python has nearly as much as Perl maybe :) Introducing Lisp as a
substitute for comparison is a neat idea but is still cheating!

CPAN is still the original and best. https://perldoc.perl.org/ is
pretty good. There are thousands (?) of books and lots of works, many
of them modules on CPAN. Then there's https://www.perlmonks.org/ or
just look at https://perlhacks.com/articles/rtfm/perl-websites/ for
many more.

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