On Wed, Apr 05, 2023 at 01:39:27PM +0200, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 05, 2023 at 01:37:31PM +0200, Nicolas George wrote:
> > Greg Wooledge (12023-04-05):
> > > bash has that, too -- you just have to enable it (shopt -s globstar),
> > > as it's not enabled by default.
> > 
> > Ah, bash has recursive globbing, that is good to know. It does not have
> > glob qualifiers nor temp file process substitution, AFAICS, though.
> It does have <(...), too.

But bash's <(...) is not guaranteed to be any particular thing.  Based
on the operating system bash was compiled for, it can be a named pipe,
or an anonymous pipe (/dev/fd/*), or *conceivably* a temporary file,
although I think that's only on platforms like Cygwin that lack FIFOs.

The inability to *easily* create and manage a temporary file is pretty
annoying sometimes.  It's especially annoying because you can observe
that the shell already *has* code to create temporary files (it uses
them for << and <<< for example), but doesn't let *you* use that code
on demand.

I believe Nicolas is saying that in zsh, <(...) is ALWAYS a pipe of
some kind (perhaps zsh can't be built on Cygwin -- I have no idea),
and that =(...) is ALWAYS a temporary file.  That kind of guarantee
could be useful.

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