Le 08/04/2023 à 16:26, songbird wrote :
songbird wrote:
   i've been trying to find anything that will let me set this
but no luck yet in my searches.


   of course the moment i send the message it comes to me that
perhaps the BIOS will let me do this, but i don't want to reboot
at the moment to check that.  will check later.


Hello, yes most motherboard bios will let you do that, also you may be able to play with frequency boost and other advanced features that greatly impact cpu temperature. Utilities like cpupower (cpupower-gui) can allow you to set a maximum frequency without rebooting, but trial-and-error is needed to find the right balance, and not all cpu models have this kind of knobs available.

Also modern cpu do not suffer from high temperatures as much as the cpu of yore, they use up all the thermal headroom they have, then throttle the frequency/power to stay at that level. Of course the rest of the system has to deal with the residual heat as well if it is not removed from the chassis.

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