On Tue 11 Apr 2023 at 16:00:22 (+0700), SteffenTAN wrote:
> so I got a Last School Work but, They didn't give Me a CD/DVD to Install
> Debian 10.4, Samba and isc-dhcp-server
> They only give Me 3 files with name of DVD 1, 2 and 3
> so, I searching for answer then, I use rufus to Install the 1st DVD (Debian
> OS) it's work. not work for CD 2 and 3 because the format then, I think I
> need to extract the files into flashdisk.
> but, I can't install samba because the "apt-cdrom" stay read from CDRom
> while the File was on Flashdisk

apt-cdrom has a number of switches, documented in   man apt-cdrom
and it sounds like you may need:

  apt-cdrom --no-auto-detect -m -d /mnt add

    --no-auto-detect    Don't mess with the optical drive
    -m                  Assume the flashdrive has been mounted
    -d /mnt             /mnt is where the flashdrive is mounted

You might need to mount the stick first, in your usual manner,
and use -d to tell apt-cdrom where it is mounted.

If you have an automounter, then you should just determine
where it got mounted, and use that mountpoint name instead.
It might be automounted under /media.


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