<to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:
> Definitely. I just pointed that out as a request for discussion.
> Perhaps this isn't portable across shells or even different
> versions of bash. So caveat emptor :)
> Cheers and thanks -- I didn't know about HISTTIMEFORMAT before!

  just as an aside for those who think about this sort of thing.  :)

  i like to start with a known state including the shell history
so upon starting up a terminal i determine what commands i want
in the history by detecting which directory i'm in (which tells
me which project i'm working on).  it's very easy then for me
to start things by using the !<number> or !<abbrv>.

  i also do not like history stuff hanging around so i may 
attempt to clear things out upon logging out or shutting down
but since some crashes can happen i do not rely upon that 
being 100%.  which is why when i do start up i set things up
how i like and do clear the history at that point (before
putting the commands in i want).


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