On 20/04/2023 19:05, songbird wrote:
Default User wrote:
And when partitions were named /dev/hda5, not

   i use labels on all of my partitions and give them a
legible name.  those are what i use in my fstab and also
in any grub or refind configs.

   i hate UUIDS.  i do understand what they're for and know
about them, but i do not need them for the simple stuff i'm

Since Default User is playing with restoring partitions from backup and cloning disks lies somewhere nearby, it may happen that 2 disks with identical partition labels may be installed simultaneously.

Partition UUIDs are affected as well, but e.g. sgdisk has a dedicated option:
-G, --randomize-guids
    Randomize the disk's GUID and all partitions' unique GUIDs (but not
    their partition type code GUIDs). This function may be used after
    cloning a disk in order to render all GUIDs once again unique

P.S. Some people hate consistent network device naming that was introduced to solve the same problem with eth0-like names as the one caused widespread of UUID in fstab instead of /dev/hdaX.

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