On Mon, Jan 05, 2004 at 09:41:55AM -0500, Thomas H. George wrote:
> With no fetchmail to feed mail to mutt and so no threading I have lost 
> the thread and must re-post.

If you want to read the thread, look among the headers of any mail on
this list, for `List-Archive:'.

> As advised I re-copied /oldhome/tom to /home/tom with tar.  This did not 
> solve the problem.

It wasn't supposed to, really.

> There is no .fetchmail.pid file in /oldhome/tom or anywhere else.

Ooops.  I thought ~/.fetchmail.pid was _the_ lockfile.  Did you mean
running fetchmail as user tom, or a sitewide fetchmail started at
bootup?  Or a fetchmail run by another user maybe?

> I tried dpkg -- purge fetchmail followed by apt-get -f install 
> fetchmail.  This did not solve the problem.

Should be ``dpkg --purge'' (without the space after `--').

> Any more suggestions?

Yes: strace(1).  Look especially for the open(), and anything from the
stat() family (man 2 stat).


Jan Minar                   "Please don't CC me, I'm subscribed." x 7

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