On Wed 10 May 2023 at 10:04:47 -0400, gene heskett wrote:

> On 5/10/23 08:17, Brian wrote:


> > Your nsswitch.conf line implies libnss-mymacines and libnss-mymhostname are 
> > used.
> > They have man pages to help you decide what parts they play on bpi54.
> They were not installed, and neither are 95% of the manpages. man-db is
> installed, pinfo is installed, neither has any knowledge of the missing man
> pages.

  dpkg -L libnss-mymacines
  man  nss-myhostname

> > What do you have on bpi51?
> bpi51 is busy, so bpi54 is being used, same iso installed both.

The same iso does not mean nsswitch.conf is the same on both. In fact, I think
they are not identical.
> Man pages apparently are one of armbian's casualties. And avahi* and
> cups-browsed has been reinstalled. When I went to bed last night, the
> printers were being listed on the localhost:631/printers screen IF there is
> an /etc/cups/client,conf containing the IP address:port of the shared
> printers, but disappears if the machine name is used, And w/o manpages it
> was not possible to find out that resolv.conf was using space separated
> names and I had comma separated them. Fixed now.

Is /etc/cups/client,conf really, really needed?

> Also on the bpi's, running armbian, libnss-ldap is installed, which
> conflicts with installing libnss-*, but did install libnss-my*, and now the
> printers have disappeared again.  That does not hold water. What the heck is
> going on now?

I haven't any idea and do not claim the know anything about armbian and how
it should deal with NSS.

> doing a status request on the cups stuff shows that systemd restarted cups
> and nearly everything else I just checked, a few seconds after midnight last
> night, and now cups at localhost:631/printers is using a white cane again.

The scheduler restarts itself every 24 hours.


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